Monday, May 10, 2010

Week 2

So this is my second week blogging. I now have 5 skein of Malabrigo sock yarn, which will be knit into an Irish Diamond Shawl from the book Folk Shawls by Cheryl Oberle. I'll be doing a knit-along of it with a friend, and I'm uber excited.

On to the weekly meme!

Current WIP(s):
Same as last week:
1. Yellow wavy baby blanket (Yarn: Bernat Baby Coordinates)
2. Purple leaves shawl (Yarn: Knit Picks Palette)
3. Purple baby blanket shawl (Yarn: Caron One Pound)
4. Purple seascape Stole (Yarn: Jojoland Harmony)
5. Blue citron shawl (Yarn: Katia Eco Cotton)


1. 1 cubit and a whole hand! (when I find my tape measure, I'll convert it to inches)
2. 8.5 leaves along the edge, 5 leaves along the center line
3. One hand and a finger, or so.
4. Finished Chart A, worked several rows into chart B.
5. Middle of second section (aka, no progress this week).

Goal(s) from last week:

1. Finish the current skein of the baby blanket and start the next. (I'm working off two skeins at a time; finished one and switched, now need to finish and switch the other)
2. Finish two more leaves (24 rows)
3. Increase another finger (2 more pattern repeats)
4. Finish Chart B once. (hey, at least I picked it up again!)
5. Finish section 2.

Goal(s) for next week:

1. Finish the current skein of the baby blanket and start the next.
2. Finish two more leaves (24 rows)
3. Increase 5 pattern repeats.
4. Finish Chart B once.
5. Finish section 2.

What new thing(s) have I learned?:

1. Corollary to last week's one: in a not too complicated but more than simple pattern, surgery works (especially within the last repeat)
2. My projects are all over the purple thing. This is still true. Additionally, since my brother realized tht orange the way he wants it is impossible to find, he changed his favourite colour to purple.
3. Wet acrylic yarn is still a pain to work with. Yes, I got drenched, and my bag leaked onto my knitting.

Which project makes me happiest?:
Based on how much I worked on it, it's a tie between the baby blanket and the leaves shawl. Based on how excited I am about it, the seascape stole wins hands down.

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