Monday, May 31, 2010

Green hands

My hands are green!

No, unfortunately not in the green-thumb kind of way. But totally in the wool-dyed-green way.

Craft group (every other Sunday) this week focused on dyeing. Because I want to learn all about processing yarn. So we dyed a roving of wool this week, and in a couple weeks after I've washed it and we've seen how the colors set, I'll either redye it or learn to spin it!

Still debating what to take to England. I've decided on a particular shawl and yarn, but I don't know if I'll want that to be my only project on the road.

In other news, I finished the Purple Leaves Shawl. And have pictures of it blocking.

And as long as I'm posting pictures, I've told people I'd show them pictures of my two other more recent finished projects, my Dragon Scales shawl and a full sized blanket.

Pictures of the shawl:

(My hands currently match that shawl.)

And the blanket:

On to the weekly meme!

Current WIP(s):
1. Yellow wavy baby blanket (Yarn: Bernat Baby Coordinates)
2. Purple baby blanket shawl (Yarn: Caron One Pound)
3. Purple seascape Stole (Yarn: Jojoland Harmony)
4. Blue citron shawl (Yarn: Katia Eco Cotton)
5. Irish Diamond shawl (Yarn: Malabrigo Sock)
6. Thick triangle shawl (Yarn: Lion Brand Chenille Thick and Quick)

Total Progress:
1. 21.5" long (36.5" wide, or so. Only 15 more inches to go, maybe?)
2. 8" long (14" wide) No progress this week.
3. Still not out of the first repeat of chart B
4. Middle of second section. No progress this week.
5. Garter border complete, 5 rows into first lace pattern. This shawl is part of a knit along with a friend, and will only show progress every two weeks.
6. Longer! Wider!

Weekly Progress:
1. None
2. None
3. 3 lace rows of Chart B. One or two more to go for the first repeat!
4. None
5. 5 rows into first lace pattern. This shawl is part of a knit along with a friend, and will only show progress every two weeks.
6. Added a few rows

Goal(s) from last week:
(Completed goals are italicized)
1. If I finishe upward leaves, progress on this one. See about finishing that ball.
Purple Leaves Shawl: Finish the shawl (one more ball of yarn; 2-3 more leaves, plus border). This should be do-able.
2. Increase 1-2 pattern repeats. I'm mostly hibernating this one, but I don't want to lose track of it.
3. Finish Chart B once and begin the second iteration.
4. Finish section 2.
5. Hopefully my KAL partner is caught up, and we can start the first lace section.
6. Any increase is success here.

Goal(s) for next week:
1. See about finishing that ball. Heck, a row or two would be nice, just so I don't forget the pattern
2. Increase 1-2 pattern repeats. I'm mostly hibernating this one, but I don't want to lose track of it.
3. Finish Chart B once and begin the second iteration.
4. Finish section 2.
5. None this week.
6. Longer! Wider!

What new thing(s) have I learned?:
1. Blocking is easier with dowel rods. And two people.
2. Wool is fickle in its drying time. It took much less time than I was told to expect.
3. Food coloring makes an interesting dye, and green hands are fun. But have to be careful about getting yarn green, because the dye doesn't stick to my hands particularly well. Despite not washing off.

Which project makes me happiest?:
I'm not sure. My sister's shawl mostly is making me happy, now that I'm back to working on it, but I'm less than enthused about any of my current WIPs.

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